Apostle Paul and his Message through the Lense of Post-Colonial Analysis


  • Ergo Naab


Apostle Paul and his Message through the Lense of Post-Colonial Analysis
This article is an attempt to present some of the theological ideas of Paul using various methods of post-colonial analysis. The writings of Paul are not an easy subject to study, and it should be insisted that the post-colonial lens offers only one way of doing it. The essence of the writings of Paul is defined by salvation by the gospel of Jesus Christ. This proclamation is based on anticipation of the king’s return that the prophetic writings of the Old Testament declare, and therefore it touches not only on the religious sphere but also on the political area of society as well. In putting Paul’s writings into the post-colonial research perspective, it is imperative not to regard them as a simplified opposition or revolution against Roman society. There is much more than a dualism in them, and it is wise to take into consideration Paul’s broad and complex discursive program.


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