One possible Interpretation of the Structure of the Early Sumerian Pantheon


  • Peeter Espak


The paper tries to analyse some aspects of Early Dynastic Sumerian pantheon structure mostly based on the god-lists from Abu Salabikh and Fara. The primeval universe before the separation of An and Ki was seen as an embryonic entity containing different divine powers symbolized in the male-female pairs en-ki / nin-ki and en-an / nin-an – primeval creatures present in later female earth and male sky. Several other divine powers existed in this primeval universe including the god Enlil and his spouse. Adding them as
the second pair testifies that both god-lists are stemming already from the mythology seeing Enlil as the main deity of kingship and the “high god”. The ordering of the Abu Salabikh list does not differ much from the creation myths of Ukg. 15 and the Barton Cylinder when to consider the interpretation of the divine names ‘Lord / Lady Heaven’ for en-an / nin-an correct. 


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