Eesti kristlaskonna koroonapandeemiat puudutavad arusaamad ja nende seos isiklike ja kogukondlike veendumustega


  • Meeli Tankler
  • Laur Lilleoja


attitudes towards the vaccination, biblical arguments, COVID-19, pandemic, trust


Current paper is focusing on emerging Coronavirus theology of the Estonian Christian community, to understand and map the theological and biblical arguments for and against vaccination and, to analyze if these arguments real life decisions regarding the vaccination against COVID-19. The research is based on online survey which was filled by 127 individuals with varied denominational and social background. 

It appears that many Estonian Christians have personal theological arguments (often both pro and con) about vaccination. At the same time, no relationship between membership of different congregation and attitudes towards the vaccination could be confirmed.

More than two-thirds of respondents supported the idea that topics related to vaccination should be discussed within churches. However, almost no one indicated that the sermons had an impact on their attitudes towards the vaccination.


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How to Cite

Tankler, Meeli, and Laur Lilleoja. 2022. “Eesti Kristlaskonna Koroonapandeemiat Puudutavad Arusaamad Ja Nende Seos Isiklike Ja Kogukondlike Veendumustega”. Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 82 (2):8-33.



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