How the Finnish compulsory school science curriculum emphasises scientific literacy


  • Jari Lavonen



science curriculum, scientific literacy, transversal competencies


Science subjects are introduced as separate subjects in the Finnish national lower-secondary level science curriculum. The curriculum concentrates on attitudes, which support the use of scientific knowledge in different science inquiry situations and contexts. The competence aims, introduced in the curriculum, emphasise the use of scientific knowledge, such as describing, explaining and predicting scientific phenomena, evaluating and identifying scientific issues, and interpreting data and evidence scientifically. The curriculum emphasises the learning of transversal competencies, such as learning critical and creative thinking skills and learning versatile ways of working. The curriculum also focuses on the use of knowledge in inquiry, life and living and society related situations. Overall, the description of the core subject matter knowledge aims to integrate Vision I (a conceptual approach) and Vision II (a contextual approach) related to the development of science literacy, introduced by Roberts.


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How to Cite

Lavonen, J. (2021). How the Finnish compulsory school science curriculum emphasises scientific literacy. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education, 9(2), 26–46.


