Kliimapoliitika eestvedamiseks vajalikud pädevused Soome Pirkanmaa maakonna avaliku sektori organisatsioonide näitel
kliimamuutuste haridus, täiendõpe, piirkondliku kliimapoliitika eestvedamineKokkuvõte
Regions play an important role in concretising climate change mitigation and adaptation action. In this study, we asked those who work in designing and implementing climate strategies in regional public sector organisations in the Pirkanmaa region of Finland, for their views on what is needed for climate leadership in a regional organisation. We characterise the attributes of a climate leader in the context of regional public sector organisations in terms of the resources, processes, challenges and motivations in their work on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and describe the competencies needed for regional climate leadership. This research aims to support education design better to respond to the needs of regional climate actors.
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