Õpetaja kui tegevusuuringu tegija: võimalusi talletada õpilaste arusaamu didaktilistest suhetest


  • Reetta Niemi




pedagoogiline tegevusuuring, didaktika, didaktiline suhe, õpilaste kaasatus, visuaalsed meetodid


In this practitioner research, I work as a teacher-researcher and examine my own teaching. In the paper I have answered the question: How can pedagogical action research be used as a methodology in capturing pupils’ perceptions of didactic relations? In this article I describe how I was able to implement the goals set in the curriculum and at the same time collect and analyse data with my pupils. The data for this paper is narrative and it comprises 136 pictures and 25 audio-visual artefacts (20 picture books, three iMovie videos and two PowerPoint presentations) created by 4th grade students. This study supported the pupils’ agency, the core goal of pedagogical action research, on many levels. The pupils were able to choose the number of pictures and the application they wanted to use. The methods used in the study also worked in launching pupils’ perspectives of subject didactics and issues connected to the traditional classification of didactics: what to study, how to study and what purpose to study for and gave me an opportunity to develop my teaching according to the pupils’ wishes. However, in the study I failed to reveal the pupils’ perspectives of the pedagogical relationship between them and myself.


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