Meediaõppe strateegiad koolis
meediaharidus, meediatehnoloogia, kool, õppimineKokkuvõte
Th is article is based on Chapter 5 of my book Media and Digital Literacies in Secondary School (2013). The chapter has been shortened and rewritten in some parts for the article. The article focuses on different classroom strategies identified during the ethnographic school research in one of the Finnish secondary schools carried out during the academic year 2009–2010. The study indicates that teachers analyse and produce media texts as key strategies in media education. In the article, I will give examples of an advertisement project, a soap opera drama, an animation project, a "life career assignment" and a newspaper strategy in different learning settings. All examples indicate that media education needs to build a strong bridge between youth and school culture and that technology in the school follows the content of learning.
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