Idealismi ilu ja valu


  • Jaan Kõrgesaar



2018. aastal ilmus teos "Commentary on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities". See sisaldas ka hariduspeatükki (Education), mille autorid on Anastasiou, Gregory ja Kauffman. Peatükis räägitakse kaasava haridussüsteemi tähtsusest, mis aitab tagada puuetega inimestele õigust haridusele. Lisaks on autorid avanud ka kompromisse ja kitsaskohti, mis sellega kaasneda võivad.


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Anastasiou, D., Gregory, M., & Kauffman, J. M. (2018). Education. In: Ι. Bantekas, M. Stein & D. Anastasiou (Eds.), Commentary on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (656–704). Oxford University Press.

Anastasiou, D., Felder, M., Correya, L. A. D. M., Shemanov, A., Zweers, I., & Ahrbeck, B. (2020). The Impact of Article 24 of the CRPD on Special and Inclusive Education in Germany, Portugal, the Russian Federation and Netherlands. In: J. M. Kauffman (ed.), On educational inclusion: Meanings, history, issues and international perspectives (216–248). London and New York: Routledge.

Buhr, H. (2017). Die Inklusionspraxis im Saarland ist ein einziges Trauerspiel. Interview mit Dr. Hansgünter Lang. Lehrer und Schule heute, 9(7), 258–263.

Ferri, D. (2017). Unveiling the challenges in the implementation of Article 24 CRPD on the Right to Inclusive Education. A case-study from Italy. Laws.

Kõrgesaar, J. (2021) Artikkel 24 ja "mõistlikud abinõud" – kas Eestil on õppida Itaalialt? Õpetajate Leht, 19.02.

Toonders, P. (2019). Measures that need to be taken by the Netherlands to comply with its obligations under Article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities with regard to higher education by looking at the best practices of Italy. Thesis. The Hague University of Applied Sciences.



How to Cite

Kõrgesaar, J. (2022). Idealismi ilu ja valu. Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education, 10(1), 198–204.



Book review